Friday, March 20, 2015

That strange relationship between Snow White and Grumpy we should probably talk about

I was feeling under the weather last weekend so I decided to watch one of Walt Disney's most proudest achievements; his first ever animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I've seen it thousands of times, most of them in childhood, some of them even recently. Yes, recently. (Movie reference. Don't mind me.) For the first time, I noticed something new; the strange albeit not-so-strange relationship between Snow White and Grumpy, one of the dwarfs.

No, I'm not talking about some twisted fanfiction I found on some dark hallows of the Internet. I'm talking about how little let-ups in the movie's script that leads one to believe the relationship between Snow White and Grumpy was different from that of the rest of the dwarfs. Give me a minute to prove my point before I completely lose you now:

1) Upon first meeting, all the other dwarfs are absolutely delighted at having Snow White stay for them and keep house for them. Grumpy is not. We assume he's just being 'grumpy' and hesitant to accept change. He refuses to follow orders from Snow White, too.

2) The first night Snow White spends in the dwarfs' cottages, she says a goodnight prayer which ends in, "Oh, and please make Grumpy like me." Why? Did Snow White have some strange need to please people and have their approval? (That wouldn't particularly fit in this telling of the fairy tale as even when the Evil Queen and Snow White's stepmother made her dress in rags and work as a scullery maid, she still seems oddly content. To be content in a position such as a scullery maid would not make any normal person feel such a way. At least not in the Disney Princess universe.)

3) As the dwarfs are leaving for work in the mines the next morning, Snow White kisses all of them goodbye. All of them enjoy it, specifically Dopey, who sneaks back for seconds. Grumpy procrastinates and is finally forced into a kiss, which he doesn't appear to like.

4) When the dwarfs get word that the Evil Queen has found Snow White and attempted to destroy her, Grumpy is noticeably the first to lead the group back to the cottage to rescue her. (Maybe he didn't dislike that kiss as much as he lead on...)

5) Moments before the Evil Queen disguised as a witch comes to the cottage to lure Snow White with the poison apple, she is seen making a pie for Grumpy with his name on it. Buying a man's love with food. Very coy of you, girl.

6) When Prince Charming comes riding through the forest, awakens Snow White with a kiss and asks her to leave with him to be married, she says goodbye to all the dwarfs. However, we distinctly hear Snow White say, "Bye, Grumpy!" And Grumpy doesn't exactly appear to hate the woman anymore either. He's just as affectionate as the rest of them.

I'm not trying to make this sound all twisted. I know it's a children's tale and Disney made this feature with children in mind. I just couldn't help noticing all these little plotpoints thrown into the movie dealing with Snow White and Grumpy. Obviously Snow White became a surrogate mother to the dwarfs in the short, short time she stayed with them... Was Grumpy the exception? He went from hate to love in the matter of a short time that included a tragedy. Sounds like a minor league love story if you ask me.

And, as by evidenced by the photo above, I'm not the only one who's noticed this before. (Although I don't entirely agree with what the photo says. Ah, Tumblr.)


  1. Also while she's making the pie she is humming some day my prince will come and grumpy is written wistfully. When the queen asks if she's making pies, she reply "I'm making "a" pie.

  2. The movie low key was shipping the hell out of those two! Hell when I was little, I always thought Grumpy should marry Snow White no the Prince!

  3. Exactly! Literally just watched the movie this past week with my kids, and the entire time I'm shipping Snow and Grumpy. The prince did diddly, as far as I'm concerned, and the fact that he saw how poorly Snow was treated in the beginning and just disappeared, only to reappear again to kiss her corpse? That prince was shady. Grumpy definitely displayed signs of concern and affection for Snow, and at least was willing to go after the witch when stuff hit the fan. Snow should have ended up with Grumpy.
